
87th place

335 points



Challenge Category Value Time
need help? misc 5
XSS Rookie spring 10
fmt64 pwn 50
Hidden Buffer pwn 100
Are you awake? pwn 20
Oh my Buffer pwn 10
Secure Auth crypto 20
My second reversing challenge reversing 12
My first reversing challenge Intro to CTFs 11
Network Rookie Intro to CTFs 10
Auth Baby spring 5
Dr. Vi Genere crypto 20
Session Rookie Intro to CTFs 10
SQLi Rookie spring 10
abc spring 1
flag format misc 1
Buffer Overflow 3 binary_exploitation_101 10
Buffer Overflow 2 binary_exploitation_101 10
Buffer Overflow 1 binary_exploitation_101 10
Buffer Overflow 0 Intro to CTFs 10