296th place
68 points
Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
Session Rookie | Intro to CTFs | 10 | February 12th, 11:59:18 AM |
Network Intermediate | spring | 20 | February 12th, 11:57:06 AM |
Network Rookie 2 | spring | 11 | February 12th, 11:51:21 AM |
Network Rookie | Intro to CTFs | 10 | February 12th, 11:49:54 AM |
SQLi Rookie | spring | 10 | February 12th, 8:31:41 AM |
abc | spring | 1 | February 12th, 8:30:47 AM |
need help? | misc | 5 | February 12th, 8:23:45 AM |
flag format | misc | 1 | February 12th, 8:16:55 AM |